Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26

Oy, what a day! We celebrated Felix's first birthday today... so, without further adieu, here's the food list:

-2 pc oatmeal toast with PB & jam
-20-ish yellow plums
-coffee with cream & sugar
-pineapple slices
-watermelon slices
-strawberries with chocolate
-6 cupcakes with frosting
-3 mini pizzas (really mini, topped with sauce & cheese)
-corn chips & hummus
-noodles & chicken
-bean burgers with hummus, avocado & sour cream, sweet potato fries
-yogurt with honeydew melon

Plus side: some healthy foods in there. Played in the yard with the kids (got out of breath running around with them in the wagon!)

Minus side: yeah.

I ordered a work out DVD last night - it should be here within 2 weeks. We'll see if I can stick to/find time for the 30 Day Shred.

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