Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday Supper

Well, it was supposed to be cheesy potato boats tonight. But I didn't think I had enough time to get everything assembled, so I skipped to Bacon Pasta (basically, pasta carbonara). I was reallllllllly nervous about the raw egg - would it actually cook enough in only the heat of the pasta??? So I changed things up again.

I modified an old stand-by baked mac & cheese recipe, based on what I had on hand. Used some sour cream, lots of cheddar cheese, milk, organic vegetarian spread instead of butter (since I'm still out), some seasonings... Anyhoo, I didn't do the french toast topping, but I did add some of the pre-cooked bacon purchased for the carbonara meal. (First time ever purchasing that! I'm reminded of the Bare Naked Ladies song, where one original line goes "They have precooked sausages, but do they have precooked bacon... you blame them? yeah!" And now they do!)

But dessert, ahhhh sweet dessert.

Tomorrow is Elliot's last day at his current daycare. Many of the kids on their last day bring in treats - cake or cookies or something to share with everyone. I asked Elliot what he'd like to bring and he said 'apple turnovers'... I thought about it and convinced him that apple cake might be good. He agreed.

So we made a big cake to take to school tomorrow. And a smaller cake for us to eat, to test it to make sure it was yummy. And it was, boy oh boy it was!

Hop on over to Smitten Kitchen for the full recipe and some amazing pictures.  It was fairly easy to make, but cooking times took some playing - since I don't have a tube or bundt pan, I used a regular pan, and a mini loaf pan. It ended up at just about the suggested cook time for the full cake, even though the pan was much lower than called for, but only an hour for the small one.

Annnnd, we're probably skipping cheesy potato boats again tomorrow, since I neglected to bake the potatoes tonight. It works so much better pre-cooked and cooled ones. *sigh* Tomorrow will be a scramble...

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